As air moves through HVAC and vacuum systems, air filters are used to trap and collect particles like dust, allergens, and tiny microorganisms. These filters help provide healthier air quality indoors, and depending on the filter, can even limit the amount of harmful and deadly particles that are released back into the air after sweeping. A filter’s MERV number references that size of the particles that the filter is rated to remove from the air. But what do the numbers mean?
An air filter’s MERV rating, or minimum efficiency reporting value, measures how effectively a filter can eliminate dust and other contaminates from passing through the filter and being released back into the environment. Filters that have a higher rating are better at trapping smaller particles than filters with a lower rating. Generally, filters with a MERV rating that is 16 or lower are used in residential, commercial, or general hospital use and are considered general HVAC-system-grade. MERV 17 – 20 filters are much more fine and are commonly used in areas where absolute air cleanliness is a requirement, like surgical operating rooms and clean rooms.
MERV filters are not only utilized in HVAC systems. Floor sweepers also use air filters, and based on the application, OSHA might require that a sweeper use a MERV 17 air filter, like for controling silica dust. Silica, or quartz, is a very common mineral. It can be foud in a lot of different materials like soil, sand, concrete, masonry, rock, granite, landscaping materials, and many more. When these materials are disturbed by cutting, grinding, or drilling, the resultant dust can contain crystalline silica particles. These dust partiles are incredibly small and aren’t visible. These particles, if they float around in the air and get breathed in, cause lung disease and lung cancer. It only takes a very small amount of tiny silica dust particles to create a very dangerous health hazard.
We offer three different solutions that satisfy OSHA’s housekeeping practices: wet sweeping, water flooding, and dry sweeping. PowerBoss dry sweepers have a 5-stage Maximum Dust Control filtration system. It starts with a vacuumized main broom chamber, then a Perma pre-filter, to a pleated filter that is 95% – 98% efficient from 2.0 – 5.0 micron. Then there is an aggressive filter vibration system, followed finally by a MERV-17 filter that is 95% – 99% effective from 0.3 – 1 micron. MDC sweepers offer a productive method of sweeping with maximum dust control. A few of our PowerBoss sweepers also have a wet sweeping option. This method works by utilizing a continual spray of water that provides a moisture shield on the side brushes. This water helps to prevent the dust from getting blown airborne and contains the dust until it can be swept up. As one of the most effective methods of dust control, water flooding contains the silica dust in a floor scrubber’s water solution and is immediately picked up through the recovery squeegee and vacuum.
Silica Dust Control Methods | Safely Clean & Maintain

PowerBoss Armadillo 9X
Dry Sweeping / Wet Sweeping Option
Constructed from solid steel to ensure longevity, the PowerBoss Armadillo 9X offers a large sweeping path of 64″, which can be increased to 77″ with the optional retractable dual side brooms. This optional feature is a valuable tool for wet sweeping.

PowerBoss Atlas
Dry Sweeping / Wet Sweeping Option
The PowerBoss Atlas delivers reliable, cost-effective performance in a maneuverable and compact package. This 64″ industrial sweeper can be used indoors and outdoors, and the side broom is also retractable, allowing the operator to swing it away from obstacles.

PowerBoss Nautilus
Water Flooding
The Powerboss Nautilus is a highly maneuverable mid-size ride-on sweeper/scrubber that delivers excellent cleaning results. In one pass, the Nautilus deep-cleans and a powerful vacuum quickly dries the surface, leaving floors immediately dry and safe for foot traffic.

Proudly serving the Carolinas for over 60 years, Carolina Industrial Equipment stands ready to deliver your tailor-made solutions. Based out of Charlotte, NC, we’re poised to reach and support some of the most densely populated areas such as our very own North Carolina cities Charlotte, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Wilmington, Morehead City, and more! The surrounding states, we’ve got your back too! Our customers come first and we’ll do everything within our power to help you accomplish your mission. Let’s start the conversation!